
The Cove Spa

  • Bespoke Web Design
  • E-commerce
  • Landing Page System
  • Customised Admin

A customised development integrating the salons’ treatment booking system and expanding e-commerce operation.

The Brief

The Cove Spa had outgrown its website and needed a platform that could scale with its ambition while integrating with its Salon Booking System.

The Solution

A visual and structural overhaul of the website, providing different pathways for customers wishing to book salon treatments and those wanting to buy products online.

Colour Palette

When designing the website for The Cove Spa, we adhered to the brand's identity by maintaining a clean and straightforward colour palette. This approach allowed the product photography to seamlessly incorporate the brand's colours into the websites visual appeal.


Multi-award winning Spa

Mobile UX

Streamlined Designs

Premium Features

Our commitment to combining technology with design has yielded a website that seamlessly intertwines The Cove Spa brand with practical functionality. We are proud to have provided a solution that perfectly aligns with their vision – a dynamic online platform that mirrors their locations and empowers them to effortlessly manage their digital presence.

Online shop
Store locator
Gift vouchers
Phorest intergration

Some Business Stats

Conversion Increase
Screen Views
A great team offering round the clock support and advice which took away any anxiety or stress related to designing and launching a new multi site website within a tight time frame. A massive thank you to Bond Media.
Krupesh - Director